Why does my bladder leak while pregnant?

During pregnancy, the growing baby can put pressure on the bladder, which can cause incontinence (leakage of urine) in some women. This is a common and normal part of pregnancy and is often not a cause for concern. However, if you are experiencing frequent or severe leakage of urine, you should speak with your doctor or midwife to make sure everything is okay.

Is it normal to wet yourself during pregnancy?

It is normal for some women to experience incontinence (leakage of urine) during pregnancy, especially as the baby grows and puts pressure on the bladder. It is difficult to say exactly how many women experience incontinence during pregnancy, as this can vary depending on a number of factors. Some studies have shown that as many as 50-60% of pregnant women experience incontinence at some point during their pregnancy.

How do you know if you are leaking urine when pregnant?

There are a few signs that you may be leaking urine during pregnancy. These can include:

  • A sudden urge to urinate followed by a sudden loss of control over your bladder
  • Wetting yourself, even when you don’t feel the need to urinate
  • Leaking small amounts of urine when you sneeze, cough, laugh or exercise
  • Feeling a dampness in your underwear that wasn’t there before

Why does your bladder leak after childbirth?

After giving birth, some women may experience incontinence or bladder leaks. This can be due to several factors, including the following:

  • The muscles and tissues of the pelvis and bladder may have been stretched and weakened during pregnancy and childbirth, which can cause incontinence
  • Some women may have damaged the muscles and tissues around the bladder during childbirth, which can also cause incontinence
  • Hormonal changes that occur after childbirth can also contribute to incontinence
  • Some women may be more likely to experience incontinence after childbirth if they have a history of incontinence or other pelvic floor disorders

How long do you leak after having a baby?

The amount of time that a woman may leak urine after giving birth can vary depending on several factors. For some women, incontinence may resolve within a few weeks or months after giving birth. For others, it may take longer to resolve, and in some cases it may persist even after the postpartum period.

If you are experiencing incontinence before or after childbirth, it is important to speak with your doctor or midwife for advice and support. They can provide you with information on how to manage incontinence and may recommend exercises or other treatments to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. We can recommend Valana which offers an affordable program developed by Physiotherapists and sports professionals to guide you through exercises which strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Take a simple quiz to find the right program for you! 


What causes bleeding after childbirth?

Bleeding after childbirth, also known as postpartum bleeding or lochia, is a normal part of the recovery process after giving birth. It is caused by the shedding of the uterus lining that occurred during pregnancy, as well as by the expulsion of blood and tissue from the uterus.

The amount of bleeding after childbirth can vary from woman to woman, but it usually lasts for several weeks. In the first few days after giving birth, the bleeding may be heavy and red, but it should gradually decrease in amount and change to a pink or brownish colour.

If you are experiencing heavy bleeding or bleeding that lasts for longer than a few weeks after giving birth, it is important to speak with your doctor or midwife. This could be a sign of an underlying problem, such as an infection or a retained placenta, and it is important to get it checked out.

What products can I use for bladder leaks during or after birth and bleeding post-partum?

There are many products available to use to absorb both urine and blood both pre and post birth. Most of them are one-time-use products such as pads or adult diapers which are not very eco-friendly and can be less discreet due to sounds made whilst wearing and moving in them, or by showing through tight clothing.

dais maternity underwear is a great discreet and sustainable alternative as they are highly absorbent, but also can be washed normally in the washing machine and reused. They are also thin, and do not make a noise when you move in them, which makes them really easy to wear and use without anyone knowing. You can wear one pair all day and change overnight.

December 12, 2022 — Grace Forsyth